Friday, April 17, 2020

Flyash slag flows into the Rihand Reservoir after the dam break in Singrauli Flyash pond.

The Singrauli flyash Slag  entered the fresh waters behind the Rihand Reservoir on 10 April 2020  after the slag dam breached  because of World Dam Dynamics.

The worldwide, yes WORLDWIDE dam content changes are sudden and from instant to instant in accordance with demand for water.  Under relentless generation of COVID19 WORLDWIDE primary infections caused by worldwide dam content changes from instant to instant, the precautionary principle was applied and modern civilization ground to a screeching halt(1). But another collateral problem like the infinitely precious lives of the ignored citizens like migrant workers was brewing. The flyash slag was building up in the flyash pond in Singrauli. The pond was receiving disastrous hammering by World Dam Dynamics.And it burst on 10 April 2020(2). Thus the MP Pollution Control Board failed to be alert to the flyash accumulation problem. Even to this day the government has ignored the problem of dams including the earthquakes caused by them and the consequences of destruction of nature leading to plausible elimination of humans from the planet, as demonstrated by the latest ongoing killings of humans from instant to instant by COVID19 virus,engineered by modern civilization and its dams. We must, if still given an opportunity use this involuntary exit from modern civilization to move willingly to a normal way of life(3).


1.       Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2020. PERFECT DESIGNS: CORONAVIRUS AND LIFE IN 2020- A Macro Perspective at

2.       Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. 2020. PERFECT DESIGNS: Collaterals of Coronavirus attacks, the Singrauli flyash dam breach. At

3.       Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2020. PERFECT DESIGNS: Finances for exiting into a normal way of life at

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