Wednesday, March 18, 2020

CORONAVIRUS AND LIFE IN 2020- A Macro Perspective

 Coronavirus pandemic and the Earth.

© 2020 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar

Root Cause of COVID19 Pandemic

Latest News 21-07-2020

Revised Predictions  as on 6th July 2020(Continued).

For all the 210 countries  and for the whole world the actual cases and deaths compared with the primary infections and deaths show as on 6th July 2020, community transmission for 135 areas including the world as a whole. See Table PACOVID19 below.
The number of dams and their total capacity (MCM) for each nation and the world are also shown in the Table(Dam Data from Ref 18). Not only the cumulative daily dam content changes for all the world’s dams from 31-12-2019, but also the dam capacities and the number of dams for each country separately also contribute to the daily and cumulative daily number of COVID19 cases and deaths in each country as well as for the whole world for each day. This is proved by two results: 1) the correlations in the table below for the cumulative primary infections and deaths predicted and actual for each nation correlating with the dam capacities and their numbers of each nation and of the world. 2) It has been shown in the public interest science(20) based development of the model(See the news for the all the various dates below) that the daily cases and deaths for each  of 135 nations out of a total of 210 nations correlate significantly with the world cumulative daily dam content changes. Thus the root cause of the COVID19 pandemic is World Dam Dynamics. Applying the precautionary principle, the results allow the hypothesis and proof that from instant to instant world dam dynamics are generating many species of viruses and transmitting them through the biosphere to places inhabited by humans who get infected. These may be called the primary infections.

Latest News 10 July 2020

Revised Predictions  as on 6th July 2020.

Based on World Dam Dynamics we have estimates of COVID19 infections which allow us to study whether there is community transmission of the virus over and above the primary infections caused by world dam dynamics. See Table FollowupCOVID19.

1.     Based on 8th May 2020 rates for  deaths per Cumulative daily dam content changes for the world(CDDBCM), the primary deaths till 6th July 2020 from 31-12-2019 for the World  are 381913,while the actual deaths are 533961. The cases for the world are Predictions: Primary 5.4 million. Actual cases for the world are 11.4 million. Thus for the world as a whole with the primary figures as given by world dam dynamics or as induced by World Dam Dynamics show widespread community transmission(Columns g,h, rows 3,4).

2.     For India the corresponding figures show widespread community transmission (Columns j,k,rows 3,4).

3.     For USA  also there is widespread community transmission(Cols.,n,o,rows 3,4).

4.     Still keeping the same death and case rate as on 8th May 2020, the expected  deaths and cases for 31 May 2021 are shown for two limits: One with a 9 MM moment magnitude earthquake and another with an 8.5 MM moment magnitude earthquake caused by world dam dynamics by end September 2020. Similarly very very sobering numbers by end November 2020 itself.

Urgently the people must enable the UN General Assembly to adopt a survival based Ecology Act 2020 and unanimously ratified and implemented asap by the World. Public Interest Science must hold sway and banish Vested Interest Science.

Latest News 01-06-2020 as of 22-05-2020

Normal Distribution comparison of Worldwide Dam content changes and COVID19 Response.

COVID19 Pandemic is being caused daily by worldwide dam content changes from instant to instant as this article has shown.

We can see how the normal distributions of worldwide dam content changes and daily new cases and daily new deaths are significantly comparable from the following statistical graphs:

A prediction of COVID19 outcomes based on Worldwide Cumulative dam content changes from 31-12-2019 to 31 May 2021. See Table E.

The prediction is based on risk of total deaths and total cases per unit Cumulative World Daily Dam Content change as of 8th May 2020 from 31-12-2019. Earthquakes worldwide for values of moment magnitude  from 2.5 MM and above are used as proxy to evaluate the daily worldwide dam content changes.



There is nothing more tragic than ignorance in action.

1.     A possible collateral of the COVID19 complete shutdown of modern civilization: The Vishakapatnam LG Polymer gas leak and no environmental clearance for the plant:

This collateral is in addition to the flyash dam breach at Singrauli. See

2.     When asked about the worldwide dam content changes controlling rigidly the COVID19 pandemic, a scientist replied: “The coronavirus infection would have happened anyway.” Obviously the scientist had disregarded the dam theory that the primary infection is due to dams(See below, Latest News 7 April 2020) and that only secondary infections are the ones that occur if precautions are disregarded. Why do people disregard theories based on scientific principles like mine below? If it is a question of peer review, here is an extract from ECRR 2010(Ref 17):

“3.3  Peer review, research funding, and the Scientific Consensus  

In responding to concerns about the clear failures of the ICRP model to predict or explain observations, politicians and regulators commonly refer to the concept of a scientific consensus.  The Committee has made it very clear in this chapter and elsewhere that the political understanding of science as some kind of process which goes forward through the mechanisms of research, peer review of reports and acceptance of change by a ‘scientific community’ which represents a scientific consensus on any matter is dangerously inaccurate. One of the reasons for this which has not been discussed is the control of peer review publication of research reports. In this model of science, before any research is believed to be ‘scientific’ it has to be published in a learned journal and subjected to peer-review. The reviewers are anonymous and may dismiss the contribution: in which case the editor usually rejects it. Thus the evidence is invisible from science and cannot become part of the scientific consensus. The problem is, of course, that reviewers will generally dismiss any research which contradicts their own beliefs; and if they do not, often the editor will. This process has kept many important results from being presented and therefore being incorporated into any scientific consensus. A good example of this bias is afforded by the Journal of Radiological Protection which appeared in the 1970s, in which those who believe in the ICRP system publish. Their papers are reviewed by each other, and therefore regularly appear: thus giving their beliefs and their model some spurious credibility; naturally, any contributions which disagree are sent out to referees and dismissed. The current editor of this journal, Richard Wakeford, of British Nuclear Fuels, Sellafield, is a champion of the adequacy of the present approach. The editorial board reads like a list of those who work for the nuclear regulatory bodies, ICRP. UNSCEAR, IAEA and so on worldwide with a few nuclear energy workers thrown in. We see Jack Valentin of ICRP on this board. This process represents one way in which the evidence that the ICRP model is incorrect is excluded from ‘science’. In a most recent example, the UK Health Protection Agency (Radiological Protection) withdrew from a stakeholder dialogue involving ECRR on the Secondary Photoelectron Amplification Effect (described below). The reason was that HPA’s initial mathematical treatment was clearly absurd and contained many basic errors. When these were pointed out, the response was that there would be no further discussion on the issue: a paper was to be published in the peer review literature. The paper, by the Deputy Director of HPA(RP) John Harrison, is apparently to appear in the Journal of Radiological Protection where it will have been reviewed by those with a bias in favour of accepting it.  And there is another way in which the scientific consensus is skewed. Researchers who do manage to get dissident results into the scientific media lose their research funding and often their jobs (see Viel 1998). Politicians and decision makers should be cautious therefore in dismissing research which is not published in the peer review system (so-called grey literature).” End of quote.

3.     Regarding the dam content changes worldwide controlling COVID19 infections and the time line of the statistical results, the linear correlation is not significant at the 5% level from 31-12-2019 till 20-01-2020. From 21-01-2020, the correlation becomes significant. Worldwide the COVID19 infection was found in humans from 31-12-2019 according to data available. And world dam contents determines the primary number of infections as determined applying scientific principles. The dam content changes as determined by using worldwide earthquakes as proxy, the COVID19 daily new cases and the daily new deaths are all from the same parent population as determined by F-Ratio test: p 60.6% for daily new cases worldwide and 99.6% for daily new deaths.

4. Other ecological conditions undisturbed, the absence of man-made dams worldwide should not throw up any case of COVID19 infections. This has been inferred below(See Latest News 7 April 2020) with the help of data produced in Ref 3. However no detailed enumeration of species diversity has been carried out for global biosphere prior to the dam era. No COVID19 cases have been recorded prior to 31-12-2019.


Latest News 21-04-2020

In the latest update by the Government on 20-04-2020, Shri
Dr Raman Gangakhedkar of ICMR expressed deep worry(chintajanak) over the number of asymptomatic cases or with mild symptoms at 80% of the cases. I give below my reading of the situation . See Table 1ason20-04-2020:
More than 73% of the variations in the world number of new daily cases and 64% of the number of the variations of new daily deaths in the world are explained by the cumulative sum of the global daily dam content changes in BCM. Thus follow the asymptomatic nature of the daily cases, being driven by the demand for water from the world’s dams. The homogenisations of natural diversity caused by the ubiquitous dams of the world led to the American flu pandemic of 1918 which took twenty million Indian lives and now the COVID19 pandemic.

The world leaders must unite to reforest ecologically the planet to restore diversity essential for life, a millennium project involving all disciplines and the people in cooperatives in small self sufficient communities and phase out the dams asap in a profitable manner as far as the health of the planet including humans is concerned.See how with care and indeed helped by Mother Nature dam removal becomes a success(21). The alternative is extinction of humans. See the invertebrate fact- COVID19 vs humans! Be practical and save our souls. But see what the government is doing. Exactly the opposite(22).

As for the data till 5th April 2020, the data till 19th April 2020 show that not only the cases and deaths in the world but in widely distributed nations in the entire world, actually 132 nations out of 206 nations show significant correlations with daily cumulative worldwide daily dam content changes for daily new cases while 117 nations out of 206 had significant correlations for daily new deaths. Thus the global dam content changes, the common antecedents to the COVID19 attacks in so many nations is the driving force for the pandemic. So long as the dams exist ubiquitously globally the COVID19 attacks will continue for a long time. The solution lies in removing this root cause- the dams across the rivers which destroy the habitats of the creatures and plants and protecting the forests and carry out the difficult task of ecological reforestation giving awareness and employment to people, globally. This may last a millennium. The dedication must be total. See also Reference 24. 

Latest news 15-4-2020 5 hrs Z

Primary COVID19 infections are caused by World Cumulative daily dam content changes. These cannot be avoided in modern civilization. Social distancing minimises secondary and cascading infections.

The root cause must be eliminated by demolishing the world's man-made dams across rivers and simultaneously ecologically reforesting the earth, imitating nature beyond understanding. This remedy will simultaneously avoid all the other disasters caused by World Dam Dynamics. Note that this attribute of dams and modern civilization had been foreseen at least 5000 years ago on the Indian subcontinent. That prevented many exponential curves like the Indian population explosion from 1850 onwards, the American Flu Pandemic and world wars(16).  See reference to Mahatma Gandhi in the text below.

Latest News 13 April 2020

Covid19 viruses are being generated relentlessly by World Dam Dynamics. The solution therefore lies in ecological forestation and 100 percent ban on deforestation while simultaneously phasing out dams asap. This must involve all humans so far ignored.

Latest News 7 April 2020


1. The coronavirus pandemic is the direct result of world dam dynamics. Applying the precautionary principle and together with the information given in the references in this article and the references therein, the direct correlation between World Dam Dynamics and the coronavirus pandemic is similar to the correlation with world dam dynamics of the American Flu Pandemic of 1918-1920. See Fig 1 and Table 1 below:

Fig2 and Table 2 show a comparison of the controlling forcing function- the sum of the daily seismic moments of worldwide daily earthquakes vs the responses,the daily world COVID 19 cases and the daily COVID 19 deaths: The worldwide daily cases and the world daily deaths follow remarkably significantly the forcing function- the cumulative daily seismic moment sum of the worldwide earthquakes(2.5 MM moment magnitude and up). This is the critical result: The root cause of the COVID 19 pandemic is World Dam Dynamics.

Note: Earthquake data from USGS earthquake search.

It is seen in Table 1 that World Dam Dynamics through the worldwide earthquakes caused by it exerts seismic moments ubiquitously on the earth(15). Using this as proxy for the dam content changes from instant to instant, we can see that the dam contents exert extremely  powerful forces on the earth affecting her ecology so as to change the habitats of living beings. Natural evolution is disturbed into one driven from instant to instant by world dam dynamics and other parts of modern ways.. The seismic moments caused by such dam content changes alters the interconnected web disastrously. The cumulative seismic moment daily sums affect the world coronavirus cases and deaths on a daily basis statistically highly significantly. Thus when one has shut down modern civilization in order to avoid the virus infection, we should take this as a god given opportunity to harmonise with nature and do away with the infinitely inferior mining based destruction of the earth. 

The data base for Table 1 is in Table 2:


2. The above conclusions are based on the precautionary principle which has been applied to modern civilization by shutting it down completely and on the following scientific principles:
2.1 The Principles of Public Interest Science.
The Canon of Agreement, which states that whatever there is in common between the antecedent conditions of a phenomenon can be supposed to be the cause, or related to the cause, of the phenomenon.  The Canon of Difference, which states that the difference in the conditions under which an effect occurs and those under which it does not must be the cause or related to the cause of that effect.  In addition, the method relies upon the Principle of Accumulation, which states that scientific knowledge grows additively by the discovery of independent laws, and the Principle of Instance Confirmation, that the degree of belief in the truth of a law is proportional to the number of favourable instances of the law. Finally, to the methods of inductive reasoning we should add considerations of plausibility of mechanism.  These are the basic methods of science (Mill, 1879; Harre, 1985; Papineau, 1996). See the report ECRR 2010 for a discussion of the principles as applied to risk evaluation of modern civilization.
2.2  The Canon of Agreement Explained
For this purpose for each day the worldwide cumulative dam content change is calculated for the period 31-12-2019 to 5-4(April)-2020. The array of Cumulative dam content change Sum DBCM is correlated with the daily COVID-19 cases for 205 nations all over the globe and for the whole world as well. See Table 3. The common antecedent for all these nations and the globe is of course the worldwide dam content changes. The correlations with dam content changes which are all highly significant simultaneously happening phenomena for the 205 nations- which are dispersed all over the globe shows that one of the driving causes for the COVID 19 cases is WORLD DAM DYNAMICS.
The daily dam content changes for the world are determined from the seismic moment for each earthquake during the day for those earthquakes with moment magnitude(MM) equal to or greater than 2.5 MM. The earthquake  seismic moment is used to calculate the total dam content changes worldwide which caused that earthquake(12).
for each earthquake determine the seismic moment. next determine the distance between the earthquake and the centre of gravity of water masses behind the world's dams. using these two pieces of data, the world dam content change which caused this earthquake is computed. this is summed up for all the earthquakes in the day. 
2.3 The Canon of Difference
See my study on Dolphins in the Ganga(3). The references there(Chinese, American and Indian)  show that damming rivers results in changes in the composition of species compared with free flowing rivers right from invertebrates to vertebrates and the mutilation of the  habitat of free flowing river basins. This destruction of ecological diversity or homogenization of ecology created by damming on a global scale leads to extinction and the appearance of new creatures on a global scale.

2.4 The principle of accumulation

The demonstration in Table 3 of the worldwide highly significant correlation simultaneously with Cumulative Worldwide dam content changes and daily COVID-19 cases for a host of regions distributed all over the world and the world itself shows that the root cause of the COVID-19 pandemic is World Dam Dynamics whose monstrous hammering of the entire earth  from instant to instant by its giant water pressure acting at its center of gravity on the globe destroys the ecology of nature. Not only this but it destroys modern civilization itself(8). See the similarity of the action of World Dam Dynamics in causing earthquakes worldwide(12). This is the new law of wheels within wheels.

2.5 The principle of Instance Confirmation.

The correlation of world dam dynamics pervades ubiquitously! Look at all the correlations with world dam dynamics throughout modern civilization. Here it is 138 significant relations for the daily COVID19 cases!  The number of favourable instances of the law does not stop at the daily cases. It extends to another 115 instances of COVID19 daily deaths throughout the world. See Table 4.

3.0 Conclusions 
World dam dynamics , the study shows unambiguously is relentlessly generating  the Covid19 resulting in the pandemic.

This is the age of truth-Kritayuga. The Wild Man is forced to follow the truth. Else viruses like COVID-19 will again be let loose, if at all needed!

The truth is that the root cause of COVID19 pandemic is World Dam Dynamics. The solution to healthy living lies in a normal civilization which respects nature. The normal harmonises with nature instead of carrying on with business as usual which has committed suicide. It is not a parallel destructive economy based on mining nature but enjoying the wise use of living energy.

Source for Coronavirus data: Hannah Ritchie.2020. Our World in Data at Ref 23.


Take away my home
Its the interest Nation's
I become displaced

The great migrations
After India's partition
Millions are homeless

India Republic
Modern civilization
Displaces millions

They all land in slums
Of dirty Indian cities
Masala for work

Daily labour gone
With new coronavirus
Get back to the land

Land is my homeland
Slums are easy prey COVID's
Flee back to homeland

If you seal borders
Indians from Wuhan brought back
Why not from Delhi?

People from Delhi
U P  has brought back quickly
Seal borders justly. 

5. Latest News 29 March 2020
5.1.The great reverse migration back home

People wait to board buses at Kaushambi on the Delhi-Uttar Pradesh border on March 28, 2020 after the U.P. government started plying buses to evacuate those stranded in the national capital following the 21-day lockdown.  Photo: PTI

5.2  Again the holistic historical context was lost on the rulers when the announcement was made on the lockdown.
Modern civilization’s wild men made into law that it is the national interest that the land which is the homeland of the people can be taken away by the government to build the temples of modern civilization like individual automobiles,planes, dams across rivers, coal fired, hydro and nuclear power stations with their uranium mines and refineries, death dealing industries like chemical polluters including pesticides and fertilizers, agribusiness large farms, concrete jungles, huge expressways, flyovers, mines.  The planning was absent for those displaced and destroyed like humans and other living beings like forests including pastures and invertebrates and vertebrates. This parallel economy called modern civilization was infinitely inferior to nature and its gross natural produce balanced by habitat which was the result of ecologically healthy evolution. The result of this aggression on life and its habitat was the great migration of humans to slums in the dirty filthy cities. Come the shutdown of modern civilization on 24 March 2020 and those in the slums dependent on whether they get work the next day were suddenly left in a vacuum. They found that there in the city there is death awaiting them in the slums and with a sleepy unprepared government(13,14), they realized that everything had failed. It was time to get back to the land! And the long march started and moved on and on for more than two days in the case of the earthlings in Delhi and the wonderful TV covered the tragic reverse migration and it was very reminiscent of the great partition driven migrations of 1947-1948. And the modern civilization is closed. The governments hastily arranged for buses to take the returning slum dwellers back home. But where will the buses find the throngs? They were all distributed on the expressway.Some people found that the buses had already left from the point on the expressway. Real chaos. We must wait and see how this all turns out for the great killings by the coronavirus unleashed by modern civilization itself.

6. The great All India shut down of modern civilization

6.1 Today 17 March 2020, in the midst of the Coronavirus epidemic, Mirror Now TV channel struggled through trying to persuade the religious people to stay home, given the present day India’s life and condition. I somehow felt that the concerned anchor and the participants in the debate have sorely lacked both the scientific knowledge and an appreciation of the holistic historical context.  The whole debate lacked the punch required to be able to enforce the law just as the people at large and  the law enforcers are showing their total ineptness as totally self-suicidal  behavior is going unpunished like it happened in the recent riots and continuing even with the advent of the coronavirus. . Compare this with what China is doing(1).

6.2 But this appears to be a specialist’s way of analysis. We must despecialise our vision, in the face of the coronavirus infection turning into a pandemic, as if there is a global root cause behind the phenomenon.  That root cause, applying the precautionary principle, scientifically evaluated is modern civilization, a society of specialists(2). Modern civilization has been around for more than a century, since at least 1900. After a consciously determined policy formulated by the imperialists, the earth’s waters were concentrated by damming the rivers. In the process, thoughtless deforestation, was resorted to. And damming destroyed the diversity of life prevalent in the river basins by destroying their habitat and killing life forms mercilessly(3). Mining and fossil fuel use killed the water purity and unacceptably contaminated the air which we must breathe and replaced them with wholesale chemical and biological and radiological warfare as the norm driving life forms and abiota to a poisonous uninhabitable environment(4). This contamination of the biosphere led to deterioration of the gene pool which is relentlessly ongoing on the earth since the 1900s(5). This transformation resulted in various epidemics like the American flu pandemic of 1918 which originated in Kansas(6), and various bird flus which followed from China, the swine flu from Mexico, the cancer epidemic from at least 1945, after World War II, nuclear power generation with the dam dynamics resulting in nuclear melting(10) and nuclear weaponisation(11) leading to one in two persons in many areas contracting cancer during one’s lifetime(7). The deterioration in the quality of the gene pool led to many disorders like loss of immunity of the life forms. The tremendous disturbance in nature and evolution resulted in monocultures and corresponding deterioration in resistance power. So the lowly coronavirus with a few RNA overwhelmed the mighty man at the top of the ecological web with his arsenal of DNAs and RNAs – now for the past century we are witness to the gene pool hopelessly continuously deteriorating through the unacceptable damages wrought by the wild man through his modern civilization, a society of specialists(8). Mahatma Gandhi in 1908 saw this coming when he exclaimed: Given enough time modern civilization will destroy itself. And Wendell Berry, an American organic food farmer recognised food as a cultural product. In his work, The Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture, observed: ”In living in this world by his own will and skill, the stupidest peasant or tribesman is more competent than the most intelligent worker or technician or intellectual in a society of specialists.” Indeed like nuclear melts, the American Flu Pandemic, the forest and city blazes, the extremes of rain and indeed climate change have root cause in modern civilization and its components like World Dam Dynamics(8). For the protagonists of modern civilization, phenomena like world dam dynamics and its consequences, the new coronavirus attacks are in the realm of serendipity. The vaccine may only be an armed truce till the gene pool further deteriorates in modern civilization and the wild man moves to another insoluble crisis. The situation for the wild man was succinctly stated by Mahatma Gandhi when he said in his book Hind Swaraj(1908): “The East can meet the West when the West throws overboard almost the whole of modern civilization. The East can also meet the West when the East embraces modern civilization. But that will be an armed truce.” Let us go normal and harmonise with nature(9). Nature and its economy is infinitely superior to ours, meant only for those wild people wanting a fast buck AT THE COST OF NATURE. We humans are part of nature.

7. References

2.R. Ashok Kumar.1986. Modern and Normal Civilizations. At

3.R. Ashok Kumar.2020. Dolphins in the Ganga. At

4.R. Ashok Kumar. 2015. Redesign Living at


6.R. Ashok Kumar.2009. Modern

7.R. Ashok Kumar.2018.  Causal Inference of fatal cancers-a macro perspective at

8.R.Ashok Kumar.2017. PERFECT DESIGNS.  Ignore root cause, get root shock- Dams the cause of Irma's Fury at

9.R. Ashok Kumar.2008.   Reforest Mother Earth to Live! At


      11.R.Ashok Kumar. 2011.   Nuclear Era and the Frozen Evolution of Minds at

12.   R. Ashok Kumar. 2015.The Science of Dams causing earthquakes and Climate Change at


15. R. Ashok Kumar. 2005. Earthquakes caused by dams at


17.   ECRR 2010 Recommendations of the European Committee on Radiation Risk. The Health Effects of Exposure to Low Doses of Ionising Radiation. Regulators' Edition: Brussels 2010.

18. Source for World dam data: International Commission on Large Dams data in

Supplementary online data, Table S1 in Impact of Artificial Reservoir Water Impoundment on Global Sea Level B. F. Chao,* Y. H. Wu, Y. S. Li. 26 December 2007; accepted 5 March 2008 Published online 13 March 2008; 10.1126/science.1154580.

19. Earthquake data from Earthquake search. at

20. R.Ashok Kumar.2020. Reforest Mother Earth to Live: UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY MUST ENACT ECOLOGY LAW FOR SPECIES SURVIVAL. BlogSpot. Link:

 21. Foley, M. M., et al. (2017), Dam removal: Listening in, Water Resour. Res., 53, 5229–5246, doi:10.1002/ 2017WR020457

22. R. Ashok Kumar. 2020. 600 MW of ten million people. Blogspot. The link:


23. Source for COVID19 cases and deaths data:

24. T. Lecocq et al., Science 10.1126/science.abd2438 (2020).


Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

More on Modern Civilization and the New Coronavirus SARS-Cov 2
Some MIT brand people think they can be as irresponsible as a Moorkhapaddhati’s Incoorigible Troll and get away with it. Even when Modern Civilization has destroyed itself by introducing the lowly Coronavirus into itself.
Their “absolutely does not make sense”, is a typical slant on this review of modern civilization’s latest creation- the New Coronavirus SARS COV 2. Modern civilization has just heralded its own demise by closing itself down. The effect is immediately seen in Venice- the dolphins have returned to the now clean waters of the venetian canals! How can you make a fast buck in a business as usual dirty way of life at infinite cost to Nature ? See also
“He Who Knows And Knows That He Knows Is A Wise Man - Follow Him; He Who Knows Not And Knows Not That He Knows Not Is A Fool - Shun Him” ― Confucius, The Analects.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

To my community in India date 21 March 2020
Thanks all for your dos and donts which we should practice diligently. Because of the total withdrawal into our pigeon holes, the ambience has become cleaner and the dolphins and fish have returned to the once dirty canals of Venice so fast.We are breathing good air and drinking better water and eating purer food! So we must think how we can continue to keep the planet in this clean livable way after taking precautions stated by many right thinking persons and probably getting a weapon like a vaccine. But that will be an armed truce against the lowly new coronavirus COVID-19 weapon so effectively evolved by Nature reacting to modern civilization created by wild people. We will surely be moving from this crisis to the next crises in the small time frames to come, provided the present chemical, biological, radiological war on life, all life, by the wild man is won, temporarily, but maintaining business as usual ways. If we maintain the status quo, the relentless deterioration in the gene pool will spell Pralaya. This note brings out the good thing that has achieved by Nature forcing us to direct our thoughts to health, beauty and permanence. Lets think of Dos and Donts for continuance of a healthy livable habitat! Jai Hind, Jai Jagat.
R. Ashok Kumar

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

So, even though the Venetian canals witness clear water and the air is cleaner, the reports about the dolphins returning(toi, 20 March 2020) appears to be fantasy as of now, but we can never tell. For example see how the salmons returned to the Elwha River after the dams on the river were demolished.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

How remarkable the Almighty has shut down modern civilization so breathing fresh healthy air keeps one fit. The faithful must be brought home that this brahmastra
must not be undone by mass gatherings like temple festivals.Such crowds commit suicide via infection from Coronavirus instead of getting benefits of God given shut down of the self destructive evil called modern civilization.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...


The World Bank’s financing of and ardent support for destruction of all life is at the root of the shutdown of modern civilization. Nature and its gross natural product must be the bottom line of any civilization. See
The World’s dams are generating the Covid19 viruses.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

World dam dynamics also joins in a major way in causing the infection and death due to COVID19 viruses and many other disasters like fires and flyas pond . The shutdown of modern civilization today is due to modern civilization itself. But modern civilization is generating COVID19 in the first place through World Dam Dynamics. Social distancing may prevent the cascading effect of the pandemic. But the primary infection due to generation of COVID19 viruses by World dam dynamics closely correlated with the Cumulative daily dam content change cannot be avoided except by phasing out the dams asap.You must abandon almost the whole of modern civilization in order to harmonise with nature. The mining based modern civilization is causing the world uninhabitable. Thus we may be purchasing an armed temporary truce for some people only and not for all like those in slums or on footpaths.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...
What makes the doubling rate infinity? Reforesting ecologically to restore a very diverse biosphere on the planet by phasing out dams asap. Dams are driving COVID19. See the latest news at PERFECT DESIGNS: CORONAVIRUS AND LIFE IN 2020- A Macro Perspective /Ramaswami Ashok Kumar

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...
Not credible. The reason The World Water Demands via the World's Dams acting simultaneously are causing COVID19. Dams have to be demolished and replaced by Nature: Give jobs through cooperatives to people to reforest ecologically and recreate life protecting habitats. Wild humans kill. See PERFECT DESIGNS:CORONAVIRUS AND LIFE IN 2020- A Macro Perspective/Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. Reverdure is the war mantra. Nature, the bottomline. Not skyscrapers that you see behind every newsreader on TV.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

This shows that the shutdown of modern civilization is permanent.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

demolish dams asap
for the env forests and climate change ministry, Covid19 killing wild humans is not enough. they want all life to enter pralaya and become extinct. See Perfect Designs:CORONAVIRUS AND LIFE IN 2020- A Macro Perspective/Ramaswami Ashok Kumar

Sophih said...

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

this effort if done using holistically the principles of science, will not only determine the zoonotic sources but also what caused the human habitat to coincide with Covid19's. Killing rivers by dams is the root cause my research shows.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

The Covid19 Second Wave,jfs1,w2628,9,

My research shows that dams drive the pandemic. This the pandemic and its numerous forms never die so long as man-made dams continue to exist and disturb nature by homogenising nature's diversity.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...
This article shows how modern civilization is making life impossible via dams by destruction of habitats.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...


This is how they are externalising the consequences of their actions. The triple core melt and the escape of the material has not been accounted for. Applying the precautionary principle, the synergistic cumulative effects of such acts may have caused the escape of viruses like the COVID19 pandemic's. Examine whether the COVID19 virus(an RNA) has such a great affinity for heavy metals like Plutonium and uranium that they may become a part and parcel of the virus: Each ribonucleotide base of the RNA consists of a ribose sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base. And when the virus enters the human being, the radionuclide plutonium or uranium sends beta rays into the body with infinite biological effectiveness. Ask the authorities for clarification.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

Re this countercurrents article, I would like to bring to the notice of readers a public interest science based approach to COVID19 prevention and cure. See
the discussion in Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2020. PERFECT DESIGNS. The basis of all plans of Niti Aayog must be Public Interest Science at the link
The excerpt:
India's policies would immensely benefit life at large by application of public interest science to tackle the COVID19 pandemic. The perfect vaccine may be immediately available for application to the public at large. See discussion by Dr. Manish Agarwala bringing out also the dangers of the vested interest science behind the vaccines, bringing out the superiority of the curative and preventive drug arsenicum album 200c. Note that the hypoxia characteristic of people suffering from COVID 19 pandemic is also caused by carbon monoxide having hundreds of times more affinity for blood than oxygen.
1. Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. 2020. PERFECT DESIGNS. CORONAVIRUS AND LIFE IN 2020- A Macro Perspective. Link at:
2.Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2020. Reforest Mother Earth to Live: UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY MUST ENACT ECOLOGY LAW FOR SPECIES SURVIVAL at the link:

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

According to Dr Manish Agarwala, the homeopathic drug arsenicum album 200c is the perfect vaccine available now as a preventive and curative for COVID19 pandemic.. See Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. 2020. PERFECT DESIGNS: The basis of all plans of Niti Aayog must be Public Interest Science. BlogSpot. It is astounding how wild man is wreaking havoc through modern civilization, a society of specialists. The panacea is to have Public Interest Science as the basis of all policies.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

COVID19 pandemic is being driven by world dam dynamics and hence also the ecology along with other disturbing aspects of modern civilization, a society of specialists. To disregard this phenomenon and complain about COVID19 pandemic regarding specialist studies does not make sense. They are rigidly interconnected.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

World dam dynamics is the root cause of the COVID19 and other pandamics! Proof is this rigorous article by Ramaswami Ashok Kumar and others in this section PERFECT DESIGNS in my complete profile. Fauci, get this? WHO get this? India get this?
Truth will prevail. The rude intervention of the World's dams on the earth destroying ecology and evolution by nature is the cause. Thats why the cases and deaths of Pandemic are in sync with the modified hydrological cycle. Despecialise your vision dear specialist and go over to the framework presided over by nature and see the wild man's evil modern civilization for what it is- the suicide of the human to be relegated to the fossil records.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

Apart from these investigations of a specialist nature, a public interest science based investigation may reveal the root cause to be World Dam Dynamics. See the article Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. 2020. CORONAVIRUS AND LIFE IN 2020- A Macro Perspective. Blogspot.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

Origin is the world's dams. See Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. 2020. PERFECT DESIGNS: CORONAVIRUS AND LIFE IN 2020- A Macro Perspective. Blogspot. The specialists have taken over society to such an extent that one has to hold the the present world order with utter contempt.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

As shown by my own despecialized public interest science based research, world dam dynamics not only significantly increases the COVID 19 cases and deaths but causes the innumerable variants of increasing virulence to flourish resulting in lasting damage to the way of life of this society of specialists till probably the human being is relegated to the fossil records. On 4 March 2021 a great earthquake occurred and the intense second wave occurred replicating the second wave of the American flu pandemic of 1918. Similarly the 29 July 2021 Alaska earthquake will bring another bout of COVID 19 cases to last till February 2022. See Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. 2021. My Complete Profile. Blogspot. Be humble folks and see my blogs on the truth of the matter. Its better late than never to update.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

This article is a big zero because it ignores my work on dams as the principal cause of many catastrophes befalling the wild man and his industrial revolution. In living in this world by his own will and skill, the stupidest peasant or tribesman is more competent than the most intelligent worker or technician or intellectual in a society of specialists- Wendell Berry In the Unsettling of America- Culture and Agriculture. See Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. 2021. PERFECT DESIGNS. Blogspot. Also see by the same author,

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...


How ludicrous! You must turn this state on its head. Indian standards are so high as demonstrated by the performance of the two nations regarding the covid 19 pandamic(no pun intended). USA to India ratio per unit human population density is 55! Thus as pandemic throws modern civilization Topsy turns, so India must stand on top with 55 us dollars to the inr.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

Performance is covid 19 infections ratio per unit human population density usa to India: 55.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

Re: Wildlife trade is likely the source of SARS-CoV-2
Multiple transmissions from wildlife at a market in Wuhan probably led to SARS-CoV-2 emergence
25 Aug 2022
Vol 377, Issue 6609
pp. 925-926
DOI: 10.1126/science.add8384
The COVID19 pandemic’s root cause is the world’s dams. See proof at
Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. 2020. PERFECT DESIGNS: CORONAVIRUS AND LIFE IN 2020- A Macro Perspective. Blogspot.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

China was in the right direction when it insisted and still insists on zero covid. I have given indisputable evidence that Covid 19 is due to the dynamics of the world’s dams including destroying the ecology of nature. See Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. 2020. PERFECT DESIGNS: CORONAVIRUS AND LIFE IN 2020- A Macro Perspective.blogspot.
Thus if you want zero covid you should remove the world's dams and at the same time ecologically reforest Mother Earth to Live. Abandon modern civilization and harmonize with nature.