Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Reform to Survive

 (C) 2022. Ramaswami Ashok Kumar

Reform what? The way we are living on the planet earth. One superficial story on the present state of living illustrates well how myopic man still is, in spite of glaring lacuna brought out into the open by suicidal leaps of faith performed by the specialists:
Let me suggest ways to overcome some of the pitfalls of modern civilization while at the same time pointing out some insoluble problems created and continues to be created by those wild humans who are forcing us humans to be relegated to the fossil records pretty soon(within a few years).

1. Diversity
While digging out roads on the steep fronts of the Himalayas, the Border Roads Organisation cut off trees and other associated plants and destroyed the soil. When they tried to revegetate or bring back the greenery on the barren hill slopes with the same species of trees that populated the region before, they failed. Suggestion: Take the help of the Botanical, geological, biogeographical, in fact the whole of the biological scientists and the ecological scientists and those local people in the intimate know of local relationships and seed preservers before launching quixotic projects and failing. The failures actually sabotage the very aim of defense in the first place. They repeat the de-feat as in the Charm Dham Project. The Jammu and Srinagar highway is another classic failed border road. They are still clear felling the last remnants of forests for their fancy projects. Look at the way they are dealing with providing drinking water for their ill conceived megacities filled with sewage streams emptying into lakes. With monoculture they will not solve climate change.
2. Climate Change and its extinction costs.
The piece by Einhorn,in the INY Times misses the wood for the forests and suicidal leaps of faith between specializations and the truth regarding climate change(Reference 1).
Climate change is not what Einhorn or IPCC seems to deviously imply but is caused by the continuous direct heating up of the earth by World Dam Dynamics(WDD). As earthquakes caused principally by dams wander from one earthquake location to another, the entire weight of all the World’s dam contents taken together acting at their center of gravity(27,103) suddenly and without notice, exert this weight and its corresponding bending moment at a location of its choice in between two consecutive earthquakes. The magnitude of the phenomenon corresponds to the world's dams' water contents amounting to some 15000 billion cubic meters at the particular instant. This is a sudden geomorphological change of mass moved corresponding to some 1000 one megaton hydrogen bomb explosions of ten times a trillion tons of rock and a temperature change in seconds induced of several cores of the sun(Each core of the sun is at a temperature of 15 million degrees Celsius). See reference 2.
3. The consequences of climate Change.
The consequences are forests fires which now has become of uncontrollable intensity, extremes of temperature and unseasonal and extremes of rainfall, buildings suddenly set ablaze, aeroplanes disappearing or getting destroyed, ships ablaze, tunnels collapsing, highways interrupted by missiles of rocks, boulders and landslides, hydrodams destroyed, hurricanes and cyclones destroying infrastructure( hurricane Ida or Katrina or Irma), a long line of nuclear reactor core melts and their disappearance, the Madras Atomic Power Station's units derated to 60%, one of the units damaged sufficiently not to return to service even after 4 years and counting, from 30 January 2018, uranium mining wastes and nuclear reactor wastes dangerously lying unable to be disposed off, being sitting ducks to WDD phenomenon.
4. What then is the earthly effect of reforestation of any kind when they are set ablaze by WDD?
5. The urgently to be implemented lesson:
The price of ignoring analogous reforestation with dams in place is infinity- with man being relegated to fossil records.
6. Forests are infinitely superior to dams. It is unscientific of the public interest type to state that it is not enough. Nor with drastic reduction in fossil fuel use. Forests are masters of gravity as any living being is. Dams are slaves of gravity and hence unable to make water levitate against gravity(osmosis and transpiration). Hence dams are infinitely costlier compared to the survival by ecological regeneration and building diversity of forests. Finally an urgent strategy is the need to demolish the dams. The USA is showing the way through projects like demolishing the dams on the Elwha River. But China and India are busy losing track of their fish by losing them to dams. See any of the articles concerning them( Reference 3). For India see Loktak Manipur saga of degenerative development losing their indigenous fish and rich ecology
7. Conclusion
Nature is the bottom line for species survival. The price of ignoring diversity and dams is human extinction. The cost of ignoring diversity is infinity. Modern civilization, a society of specialists is suicidal and the last hours of mankind has long been reached. Recognize that everything and every living being is interconnected with everything else. Demolish modern civilization and their product dams and do diverse reforestation in small self sufficient communities typical to the local circumstances.
See reference 4 for the ground realities for survivable reforms.

1.Modern and Normal Civilizations

We need to live in health here and now. For that we should live in small self-sufficient communities. In this way of life we design around our ignorance. The modern has been found to be too risky for life.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

2. Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2021.PERFECT DESIGNS: 1000 one megaton thermonuclear bombs exploding and pandemics like COVID 19 - the consequence of world dam dynamics. Heed! Blogspot.

3. China’s dams threaten the Sichuan taimen


SCIENCE • 3 Mar 2022 • Vol 375, Issue 6584 • p. 985 • DOI: 10.1126/science.abo0354

4. Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2018.PERFECT DESIGNS: Karma for India: damless and full of all life.blogspot.


Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

Einhorn states: "There is not enough land on Earth to tackle climate change with trees alone, but if paired with drastic cuts in fossil fuels, trees can be an important natural solution."

This has been shown to be no natural solution effective for survival in Reform to Survive. Demolish dams is the real critical thing to be implemented along with reverdure for diversity.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

Whatever you do on this planet for survival, if you dont include a timebound implementation plan for demolishing dams you will not survive. The vital thing in Reform to Survive is brought out here:

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...


This article illustrates well the need to back away from vested interest science and restudy our ways of life by despecializing our visions. Thus there are thousands of reservoirs created by vested interests amounting to a total capacity of surface water storage of around 15000 billion cubic meters. The writers like these in their self circumscribed ivory towers deliberately ignore the cumulative dynamics of the dams on all life and non-life. The dam contents acting through their centre of gravity exert all round the centre of gravity, the dynamics of all of their weights at any instant corresponding to their total contents upto their total capacity when they are full. The dynamics are determined from instant to instant by water demand on all the reservoirs behind all the dams. This results in earthquakes all round the world at locations favorable for earthquakes to occur. At the instant of earthquake occurrence, the entire weight of water masses behind all the reservoirs is felt at the location of the earthquake. Not only this but the water moment measured by force exerted by the water contents multiplied by distance from the centre of gravity to the earthquake hypocenter suddenly appears at the hypocenter for the time period determined by the magnitude of the stress released by the earthquake. Before the earthquake occurrence, the entire weight of all the water masses was distributed among those locations offering a fulcrum for the dam contents to exert their bending moments(forcexdistance). After this episode till the next earthquake occurs at another favored location, the dam dynamics hunts for the next disaster location, which may be the next earthquake or or some other location like say the Fukushima Daichi nuclear station. We know what happened there. See

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...
A tree is infinitely superior. See the superiority at

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

Mumbai climate action plan

With no informed opinion expressed on dams, there is absolutely no hope for mumbai or the below sea level vashi.
See they are missing the ghgs for climate change induced by dams. Check out
The real effort should be to address the unbearable suicidal power of dams. See
PERFECT DESIGNS.2022. Reform to Survive.blogspot.
The link:

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

Earthquake causing World Dam Dynamics and deforestation and modern civilization are the root causes behind the COVID 19 pandemic. According to a feasible plan limit modern civilization drastically, demolish dams and protect existing forests and rivers, with people’s cooperatives analogously reforest India compatible with small self-sufficient communities. See Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2020. PERFECT DESIGNS: CORONAVIRUS AND LIFE IN 2020- A Macro Perspective. Blogspot.