Saturday, January 8, 2022


 (C) 2022  Ramaswami Ashok Kumar


2 hr 46 min (118.2 km)
via Mangalore - Mysore Hwy
How many trees of what dbh meters will have to be cut for the 4 lane highway?
150 fully grown trees a hectare.

27m x 119 km or 321.3 ha

150 trees x 321.3 ha

48195 trees

If we take competing use of the land that is proposed for a 4 lane highway, let us calculate the groundwater charging per year.
Take 130 tons per hectare, the total weight of the forest plants on 321.3 ha will be 41769 tons. The ground water recharging per day is 41769 tons.

The groundwater recharging per year is
41679 x 365 or 15245685 tons/y.
The total drinking water recharged/y is
15245685000 li. At 40 li/d/person,the drinking water requirements per person per year is 40 x 365 or 14600 li. So the trees recharge for 15245685000/14600 = 1044225 persons per year.

Madikeri population in 2022 is 33381.

Thus the groundwater recharge is catering to 1044225/33381= 31.282 times the Madikeri population's requirements per year!
This is done by trees, which defy gravity like all living beings. Not dams which are slaves of gravity. Dams which are daily making people lose lives and property, transforming the earth to a dust bowl. A 1000 homes in Colorado, the home of the Hoover dam, were burnt down by wildfires caused by the world's dams acting at their center of gravity at 27, 103 just a couple of days after a 7.3 moment magnitude earthquake struck East Timor, caused by dams.
See Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. 2015. PREDICTING EARTHQUAKES. The science of dams causing earthquakes and climate change. Blogspot.

Population of mysuru in 2022 :
Annual drinking water requirements per person 14600 li

Total drinking water requirements of mysuru in 2022 18410600000 li/y
15245685000 is the annual recharge of groundwaters by trees on NH 275.
This is 15245685000/18410600000= 82.81 percent of mysuru's drinking water requirements. What is the 4 lane highway for?


Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

And then you will cut the darling Mekedatu and its boulders with kilotons of explosives to dam the Cauvery to meet the drinking water requirements of bendkaluru so to unleash the ever-increasing world dam dynamics to explode mother earth with the power of 1000 one megaton hydrogen bombs by million degrees centigrade heat input lasting minutes kilometers into the crust to create a nuclear winter! In living in this world by his own will and skill, the stupidest peasant or tribesman, is more competent than the most intelligent worker or technician or intellectual in a society of specialists! The wild man and the all powerful nature!

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...
