Friday, February 22, 2019


The background:

Behind every fortune there is a crime-D 

Why does not China care for the lives of Indian citizens?

The belted road China's
Has several IEDs
Ready against us.

The belt runs through PAK
Through stolen territory
Hived off from India

PAK's her surrogate
She sets off Jaish readily
At China's behest.

We must become strong
Our spirit never dies
Forward with the fight

Our rights to live
China dare not trample on

UNSC dear
You are having a traitor
The true terrorist.

China the cancer
Must be surgically cut
From UNSC.

So peace again thrives
Without belted IEDs
World's health is assured.

This Indian Express is biased against India. How else can you explain this thoughtless attack on our country?  You see, South Africa was punished for practicing Apartheid by banning them from tests and possibly other international events for years and years. Now see the attitude of IOC, like a partisan organisation, ignoring terrorist activities of Pakistan and threatening India. Be impartial IOC and  ICC and others and forthwith ban Pakistan from the  shooting events and other events including World Cup cricket.
This behaviour by the specialists the shooting federation and the IOC is typical: They dont see beyond their noses in spite of the Munich Olympiad massacre by terrorists and the Apartheid practiced by South Africa and the precedent of banning South Africa for decades. These specialists are part of modern civilization, a society of specialists. Mahatma Gandhi wrote in 1908-9 in Hind Swaraj: Given enough time modern civilization will self-destroy. And Wendell Berry wrote of organisations like the IOC in the 1970s: "In living in this world by his own will and skill, the stupidest peasant or tribesman is more competent than the most intelligent worker or technician or intellectual in a society of specialists." Wake up you specialists and rise above them: Ban Pakistan and other terrorists from international sporting events now and honour India for being proactive against terrorist nations.

Now on 23 February 2019, see this:

Wake up ICC and prohibit Pakistan from playing the World Cup now.

Cowardice exhibited by Indian Express by banning citizens from commenting

But the Indian Express must stop practicing Apartheid on its readers. For instance, it has blocked my computer from accessing the comments via its comment button. It must realise that it is nothing more than a registered newspaper and hence must respect the constitutional right of its citizens to express themselves. 


1 comment:

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

If all matches from 12/06/19 were to be washed out due to rain, also because of world dam dynamics, with NR remaining as on 11 June 2019, India will win the world cup 2019 with 18 points with England ,Australia and Sri Lanka tied at 2nd spot!.