Monday, December 2, 2019

Poor is an artificially created condition by wild people.The richness of the living beings has been ignored.

Imagine that I am one of the starving millions. Consider my endowments.
People in a divine state wanting to be assured of their right to safety and health and security of livlihood: Their attributes are fearlessness, purity of heart, steadfastness in knowledge and equanimity towards opposites, readily donating to a noble cause, thirsting for updating their knowledge of the cause at hand, austerity, uprightness, non-injury, truth, absence of anger, renunciation,tranquility, absence of calumny, compassion to all, uncovetousness,gentleness,modesty,absence of fickleness,boldness,forgiveness,fortitude,absence of hatred, absence of pride, and infinitely rich and precious compared to nukes,possessing capability of non-clonal reproduction in love,gratefully accepted by Mother Earth on passing away; at 1000 MW/, power capacity in India 120000 MW,forever returning all taken from the earth! Power hungry Nukes destroy generations. Nuclear power anywhere never!

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