Dust storms and dams of the world-the 2018 May day burst of dust storm kills a hundred people across Rajasthan, UP and Andhra.
© 2018 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar
1.Summary and Conclusions
Suddenly applied shock input pressures on Rajasthan soil by the world’s dams in 28 April-5th May 2018 together with shock input temperatures of hundreds of thousands of degrees Celsius with an average of 2000 to 2500 degrees Celsius every 16 minutes caused abrupt sand storms. It kicked up so much sand into the atmosphere that it created a significant density difference in the atmosphere above the soil between Rajasthan and U.P to cause fierce winds and dust storms accompanied by rain in Rajasthan, U.P and Andhra Pradesh. The sudden dam dynamics caused impulse forces and water moments resulted in deaths of more than a hundred people.
The entire North
India from Thar to U.P is experiencing significant intensity of dust storms and
is rapidly converting the Indo Gangetic plains into desert.The genesis lies in
world dam dynamics: Total dam content changes at any instant acting at the
center of gravity of the water content behind the world’s dams. The giant force
applied by dams through a sudden surge in water moment(forcexdistance) on
Rajasthan kicks up a huge amount of dust causing a shock density difference
between the atmosphere over Rajasthan and UP. Also there is a much greater
sudden shock temperature rise in UP compared to Rajasthan making the air
density significantly less compared to Rajasthan. The premonsoon effect is
amplified by the world dam dynamics resulting in the huge dust storm which will
quickly cause the desertification of India above the Vindhyas and below the
The storms and killings are ongoing, of course! See
The storms and killings are ongoing, of course! See
Key words: Dams, Shock Inputs, Temperature, Pressure, Rajasthan, U.P., Earthquakes, Dust storm,Desertification
2.Scientific Analysis
See the newsreport:
“Over 100 people were killed and around 180 injured after a high-velocity dust storm followed by thunder showers wreaked havoc in parts of Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan on Wednesday night, leaving behind a trail of destruction. Trees and electricity poles were uprooted and mud houses collapsed in the high-intensity squall, officials said on Thursday.”
2.1 Dam dynamics is the common antecedent to a host of phenomena observed on the planet in the dam era. Scientifically therefore dam dynamics qualifies as the cause or one of the causes of the phenomenon being studied(1).
2.2 In the dam era, earthquakes are caused predominantly by the dynamics of dams of the world acting in concert (1). Using earthquake data from USGS data base and the EMSC data base, the combined earthquake data base is generated. From this data, the dam content change worldwide which caused the earthquake is calculated. This dam content change due to all the world’s dams acts at the centre of gravity of the water masses behind the world’s dams. The centre of gravity is estimated as the average deviation of the epicentres of the earthquakes in the hydrological year during which the phenomenon is being studied.
2.3 Knowing the location or epicentre of the earthquake, the distance, DCGQ, between the earthquake epicentre and the centre of gravity is calculated using the equation E1:
Distance, km, between Lat1,Lon1 and Lat2 and Lon2 all in degrees is given by
D= 6371*ACOS(SIN(3.1416/180*Lat1)*SIN(3.1416/180*Lat2)+COS(3.1416/180*Lat1)*COS(3.1416/180*Lat2)*COS(3.1416/180*(Lon2-Lon1))) (E1)
Here substituting for Lat1 and Lon 1 and Lat2 and Lon2,all in degrees, the latitude and longitude of the earthquake epicentre and the centre of gravity of the water masses behind the dams of the world respectively will give the distance D, km denoted by DCGQ.
The Water Moment Impulse or the bending moment Impulse exerted by the dam content change which resulted in the earthquake Q is given by
WMCGQ= 5x(10EXP(1.5xMM-10))x10EXP(19.05) Nm (E2)
2.4 The dam content change DBCM, in BCM which caused the earthquake of moment magnitude MM, which caused this water moment is given by the equation
DBCM= WMCG/(((10EXP(15))x9.81xDCGQ) BCM (E3)
2.5 The force F, in Newtons, N which is caused by the dam content change and which acts through the Centre of Gravity CG on the earthquake hypocentre is given by
F= DBCMx(10EXP(12))x9.81 N (E4)
The force F acting at the CG and at the earthquake Q forms a couple with distance DCGQ.
This is the force F, as a result of dam dynamics, which is assumed to act at the locations of the phenomenon being observed for the various earthquakes caused by the dams at the various times at which the worldwide dam content changes act together.
2.6 Here I examine the consequences of this dam dynamics caused force and water moments acting from the centre of gravity of the dams at 23.72611,96.0614 exerted at the locations where the phenomenon occurred, namely Rajasthan and U.P at their centroids: Rajasthan at 27.0238,74.2179; U.P at 26.8467, 80.9482 respectively.
2.7 The Precautionary Principle
2.7.1 To get a feel for the effects, let us apply the precautionary principle (2). The precautionary principle suggests that when we are unsure about the risks of a certain industrial process or its pollutants we should not allow it to proceed until we can be sure that it is safe. Let us assume that the dam content change which caused the peak magnitude earthquake during the period of our study from April 28th to May 4th May 05:44h 2018 UTC in fact did hit Rajasthan and UP. Also assume that all the dam content changes during the period affected Rajasthan and UP. I justify this assumption as being plausible because for a host of phenomena the ubiquitously occurring dam dynamics happen to be the antecedent (1), (2), (3). Hence scientifically as discussed along with all the other scientific criteria in (1), the dam dynamics is the cause ( or one of the causes) of the dust storm phenomenon which killed 100 and injured 180 on May 2, 2018.
3.0 Comparison of the phenomenon of dust storm origin and effects on Rajasthan and UP
3.1 In this connection see weather report of IMD:
3.2 Weather 5 May 2018
All India Weather Warning Bulletin
Saturday 05 May 2018
Time of Issue:
1945 hours IST
05 May (Day 1)
Thunderstorm accompanied with gusty winds very likely at isolated places over Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh,
Uttarakhand, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh & Delhi, West Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Gangetic West Bengal, Assam & Meghalaya,
Tripura,Rayalaseema, South Interior Karnataka, Tamilnadu & Puducherry and Kerala.
Heavy rain very likely at isolated places over Assam & Meghalaya and Tripura.
Dust storm very likely at isolated places over West Rajasthan; Dust storm/thunderstorm very likely at isolated places over East Rajasthan.
06 May (Day 2)
Thunderstorm accompanied with squall very likely at isolated places over SubHimalayan West Bengal & Sikkim.
Thunderstorm accompanied with gusty winds very likely at isolated places over Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand,
Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh & Delhi, Gangetic West Bengal, Odisha, Assam & Meghalaya, Tripura, Tamilnadu& Puducherry and Kerala.
Heavy rain very likely at isolated places over Assam & Meghalaya and Tripura.
Dust storm very likely at isolated places over Rajasthan.
07 May (Day 3):
Thunderstorm accompanied with squall and hail very likely at isolated places over Himachal Pradesh.
Thunderstorm accompanied with squall very likely at isolated places over Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh & Delhi and Sub
Himalayan West Bengal & Sikkim.
Thunderstorm accompanied with gusty winds very likely at isolated places over Uttarakhand and Kerala.
Heavy rain very likely at isolated places over Assam & Meghalaya and Tripura.
Heat wave conditions likely at one or two pockets over Vidarbha.
08 May(Day 4):
Thunderstorm accompanied with squall and hail very likely at isolated places over Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
Thunderstorm accompanied with squall likely at isolated places over Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab and Haryana, Chandigarh & Delhi.
Thunderstorm accompanied with gusty winds likely at isolated places over Uttar Pradesh,South Interior Karnataka, Tamilnadu and Kerala.
Heavy rain very likely at isolated places over Tamilnadu, South Interior Karnataka and Kerala.
Dust storm/ Thunderstorm at isolated places over West Rajasthan.
Heat wave conditions likely at one or two pockets over Vidarbha.
09 May(Day 5)
Thunderstorm accompanied with squall likely at isolated places over Bihar.
Thunderstorm accompanied with gusty winds very likely at isolated place over East Uttar Pradesh, South Interior Karnataka, Tamilnadu and Kerala.
Heavy rain very likely at isolated places over Tamilnadu, South Interior Karnataka and Kerala.
Dust storm at isolated places over West Rajasthan.
Forecast and Warning for any day is valid from 0830 hours IST of day till 0830 hours IST of next day
For more details kindly visit
or contact
+91 11 24631913, 24643965, 24629798
(Service to the Nation since 1875)
4.0 The Root cause is the dam dynamics as a study of Table STORM would show.
The storm eye pressure hovers usually around 900 to 1050 mbars. See for example advisories of National Hurricane Center. Ex:
At the link at: https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/archive/2017/al11/al112017.public.004.shtml?
Now the dam dynamics has applied a whopping shock input pressure of 4557 mbars max and 52 mbars mean over and above the atmospheric pressure of 1000 mbars on a 1kmx1km area in both Rajasthan and UP. But Rajasthan is Thar and U.P is hard rock! But such a pressure time series on the sand dunes of Rajasthan kicks up a dust storm just by the enormous density difference before and after the surge pressure of dams which created the dust rising up! Add to this the churning effect of water moment appearing in Rajasthan and U.P created by the Archimedean effect of the enormous dam content change acting at the centre of gravity of the world’s dams at 23.73, 96.06. The centroid of Rajasthan is at 27.0238,74.2179. That of U.P is at 26.8467,80.9482. The distance from the Centre of Gravity (CG) and Rajasthan centroid is 43 percent more than that for U.P. Thus for the same force acting on both Rajasthan and UP created by the shock dam content surge the churning effect is more at Rajasthan than at UP. If all the water moment exerted by the dams were converted to shock input temperature rise, K, then the maximum shock input temperature in Rajasthan during the stated period Apr-May 2018 would, from the Table be about 190000 K with a mean of 2186 K while in U.P the numbers would be 215075 K and 2476 K .Thus the density difference and the temperature difference would ensure the squall created by the World’s dams. For comparison the data only for May 2 will also ensure squall and sand storm conditions between Rajasthan and U.P.
4.2 Data on Dam Dynamics as on 4th May 2018 from 28 April 2018:
4.3 Disturbances due to Dam Dynamics are continuing and the solution.
The data in 4.2 shows these dust storms are determined by the properties of soils in Thar and in for example U.P. The energy required to raise the temperature of a block of soil, assumed in this study at 2000 J/kg/K and the archimedean lever effects of the enormous shock water moment changes applied at Thar and U.P are also determining factors of the crushing impulses dealt by dam dynamics. We must phase out dams by ecologically based forests over the next thousand years.
5. References:
The data in 4.2 shows these dust storms are determined by the properties of soils in Thar and in for example U.P. The energy required to raise the temperature of a block of soil, assumed in this study at 2000 J/kg/K and the archimedean lever effects of the enormous shock water moment changes applied at Thar and U.P are also determining factors of the crushing impulses dealt by dam dynamics. We must phase out dams by ecologically based forests over the next thousand years.
5. References:
1. R. Ashok Kumar. 2015. PREDICTING EARTHQUAKES: The science of dams causing earthquakes and climate change.
2. European Committee on Radiation Risk. 2010. 2010 Recommendations of the ECRR The Health Effects of Exposure to Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation, Regulators' Edition, Edited by Chris Busby with Rosalie Bertell, Inge Schmitz-Feuerhake, Molly Scott Cato and Alexey Yablokov Published on behalf of the European Committee on Radiation Risk Comité Européen sur le Risque de l’Irradiation Green Audit 2010. P29.
3. R. Ashok Kumar. 2017. Perfect Designs: Ignore root cause, get root shock- Dams the cause of Irma's Fury.
4. Uttar Pradesh soil data at:
From [DOC]Soil samples from Lucknow district in Uttar Pradesh ... - Shodhganga
by PK Kannaujiya - 2015
5. Thar desert and Rajasthan soil data at
Evaluation of Index Properties of Dune-Sand and Clays from All over the Indian Desert by Laboratory Investigation
Er. Pratibha Panwar Department of Civil Engineering, Government College of Engineering and
technology Bikaner, Rajasthan, India pratibhacivil.gcet@gmail.com
Dr. Ameta N. K. Professor, M. B. M. Engineering College, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India nk_ameta@yahoo.uk.in