Saturday, February 22, 2020

The Conundrum of the wild man and all other life called nature: February 22, 2020

© 2018-2020 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar

These two newsreports, if true, bring out how modern civilization is duping people and destroying itself in the process. The hush up by China of the Wuhan coronavirus epidemic(Start date December 12 2019 and Wuhan quarantined only on January 23 2020) is characteristic of dictatorships. By Jan 23 2020 five million from Wuhan had left the city for China New Year Holiday. The same thing happened when the Chernobyl melt occurred on April 25 1986(UTC). And Fukushima triple melt truth only came out much later. And now to make a fast buck in return for defence equipment a nuke deal may be forced on Andhra Pradesh. Such sacrifice is unwarranted indeed. And amounts to random premeditated mass murder. See
And also see how the cancer epidemic is raging across the world because of uranium’s infinite biological effectiveness at
The grid will collapse the moment dams are drained off because fossil fired and nuclear fission reactors are base loaded blockheads. The answer lies not in dams and world dam dynamics but in living beings and ecologically compatible societies and infinitely superior creatures called forests.


  1. In this connection read a fascinating account of the American flu pandemic caused by World Dam Dynamics at

  2. Look how China is responding:
