Friday, April 27, 2018

Bullet Train Projects are not viable when they replace forest and usable land

Bullet Train between Ahmedabad and Mumbai: On what basis?
© 2018 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar

1. Better land use must be opted for by consensus.
Total Land to be acquired is   866   ha.                                 
Forest cover density dry biomass in India  assumed at    130  kg/m^2 (Both above and below ground).                       
A plant transpires its own weight of water in a day.                                   
Thus 130 kg/m^2 dry biomass density is      130   kg/day/m^2       transpired.
On 866 ha       transpiration/day     1.126E+09 kg/day or               
 1125800   m^3/day.            
Water transpired on bullet train area   410917000    m^3/y .               
This is used upto five times by repeated rainfall and transpiration on successive vegetated areas. 
How many people are benefitted by these forests?       
Drinking water supply by ground water recharge per head at 40        liters/d  or 14.6 m^3/y assumed.
No of people supplied drinking water per year from this groundwater recharge          28145000 or      28.145 million.
Cost of this water /year at Rs 10/Li is Rs  4.109E+12  or  
Rs 4.10917     LakhCr                
The worth of replacement forests in providing drinking water every year for 28 million people and other forest dwellers
of Rs 4 Lakh Cr for a long long time, say 500 generations is being equated to a project costing Rs 1.08 lakh crore, the bullet! What is the earthly need for saving 4 hrs of travel time  between
Ahmedabad and Mumbai by bullets  by users who do not know why they are speeding at this rate by consuming oxygen in
the bullets and spewing poison that kills millions?
The forests give out oxygen and absorb CO2 and consume  only 2% of the water they recharge for their maintenance.
“What we are doing to the forests …(of the world) is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.
Mahatma Gandhi.”- Quote from Pradip Krishen.2013. Jungle Trees of Central India: A Field Guide for Tree Spotters.

2.The replacement of the correct use of the land, that is forests, by the bullet train increases CO2 production and oxygen loss by three orders of magnitude.

Area occupied by Bullet Train: Forests and others: 
Replacement forest land use compared with bullet train which replaced the forest and other land use regarding CO2 and Oxygen.

130 kg/m^2 dry biomass density forest on the bullet train project area:

70 trips daily at 1600 passengers per trip. This 112000 passengers/d. That is 28000000(28 million) passengers/y at a load Factor of 0.685. The CO2 reduced  using the bullet is 30 kg/person/y(1). The oxygen consumption  the bullet saves in comparison with other modes of transport is 21.82 kg/person/y.
But on the land area occupied by bullet train, if dry biomass of 130 kg/m^2 existed, the CO2 absorbed for the 28 million persons benefitted by the forest is 26935 kg/person/y(Three orders of magnitude times the reduction of CO2 by the bullet train). Replacing the forest by bullet has the immediate effect of releasing 26905 kg/person/y of CO2 into the atmosphere. Also a net amount of 13880 k of oxygen  would no longer be  released by the forest.
3. Financial Analysis shows also the disastrous bankruptcy of the project. See Reference 3.
4. Bombay is going to be submerged soon because of World DAM DYNAMICS. This will undo the bullet fully. See References 4 and 5.

1 comment:

  1. Even at a tenth of the 135 kg/m^2 dry biomass density of the replacement forests, the carbon di oxide not absorbed and the oxygen no longer given out by the forests will still be two orders of magnitude times the reduction in CO2 and the increase of net oxygen given out by bullets.By the way the order of magnitude less dry biomass density, that is 13.5 kg/m^2 is the present combined above and below ground dry biomass density of Indian forests.
